February 10, 2025

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Strut-adjusted volume implant (SAVI) brachytherapy-based accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) in African American women Abstract Purpose To examine the clinical outcomes of postmenopausal African American (AA) women treated with strut-adjusted volume implant brachytherapy-based accelerated partial breast irradiation for early-stage node-negative breast cancer. Methods From January 2011 through April 2015, a total of 50 AA patients, […]

Biochemistry and Anesthesiology

Either of these two links: https://mayoclinic.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/naadp-as-a-second-messenger-neither-cd38-nor-base-exchange-reaction American Journal of Physiology Cell NAADP as a second messenger: Neither CD38 nor base-exchange reaction are necessary for in vivo generation of NAADP in myometrial cells Sandra Soares, Michael Thompson, Thomas White, Amir Isbell, Michiko Yamasaki, Yodeta Prakash, Frances E. Lund, Antony Galione, Eduardo N. Chini Abstract Nicotinic acid […]

HPV + SCC of Unknown Primary

Any of these 3 links: GynOncReports gyn pub med Elsevier Three cases of women with HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary in the pelvis and retroperitoneum: A case series. Isbell A1, Fields EC2. Author information   Abstract BACKGROUND: Carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) of the pelvis is a challenging entity for the oncologist. The […]

Prostate Cancer Nomograms

If you know anyone with newly diagnosed prostate cancer, here are a few websites featuring nomograms, prediction tools designed to help patients and their physicians understand the nature of their prostate cancer, assess risk based on specific characteristics of a patient and his disease, and predict the likely outcomes of treatment: http://urology.jhu.edu/prostate/partintables.php https://www.cancer.duke.edu/Nomogram/ https://www.mskcc.org/nomograms/prostate   […]

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in the world, affecting nearly 12% of all women [1]. Unfortunately, there were 1.7 million new cases of breast cancer diagnosed and 521,000 breast cancer related deaths in 2012 alone [2]. In spite of these facts, a significant amount could be reduced by early detection, via screening mammograms […]

Prostate Cancer Staging/Recurrence Detection with PET/CT

In simple language, this study is saying that C-11 PET/CT can detect recurrence and used to categorize how often prostate cancer will come back at a specific site (lymph node involvement. Furthermore, this combined imaging modality can be used to identify lymph nodes that should perhaps receive radiation preemptively in anticipation of possible recurrence (site of […]